2024 Rodziny -Spring 2024 – Electronic Version

Table of Contents:

PGSA President’s Column, Robert M. Pine ………………………………1

Future PGSA Webinars………………………………………………………………2

Letters to the Editor…………………………………………………………………..2

Given Name Patterns in the Poznań Project Database, Łukasz Bielecki ……………………………………….3

Experiences Tying Pieces Together: Family Stories, Vital Records, Letters, and Newspapers, Richard Gorzela……10

The Issue of Infant Mortality in Polish Historical Research, Dawid Dziuba ……………………………………14

From the Słownik Geograficzny: Kozie-Doły and Sukowy (Inowrocław county), Łężyn and Pątnów (Konin county) ………………………………………………………………………………25

PGSMA Biuletyn Korzenie / Roots Bulletin, Summer 2024……28

New Roots in the River Banks……………………………………………..28

Legal Status of Peasants in 19th-Century (Poland) Austria …………………………………………………………..29

Book Review: Elements of Genealogical Analysis……………30

Polish Americans Today, 2nd Edition ……………………………….31

NERGC 17th Conference 2023………………………………………….31

Index to Surnames Mentioned in This Issue………………………..32



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