Słownik Geograficzny Towns and Villages (G)

    A town on the river Nida, in Gostynin powiat, connected by highways with Warsaw (117 km. away), Gostynin (34 km. [sic]), and the Pniewo railway station on the Warsaw-Bygdoszcz line (26 km.). It has a Catholic parish church, a Protestant congregational church, three elementary schools (two Catholic, one for males and one for females, and one Protestant), a municipal office, and a postal station. It belongs to the District III Justice of the Peace jurisdiction in Gostynin and the Wloclawek conference of judges. In 1827 it had 197 houses and 2,395 inhabitants; in 1861 it had 253 houses and 2,624 inhabitants, including 1,909 Jews. As of 1877 it had 5,834 inhabitants, 2,848 men and 2,986 women. As for religion, half of the population is Jewish. There are 254 habitations, of which 27 are brick, the rest of wood; the Catholic church is brick with a sheet-iron roof; the Protestant church is brick with a tile roof-both are in good condition.
    The following factories are in Gombin: a steam mill, 4 horsepower, with an annual production worth 6,000 silver rubles, employing three workers; a tannery, existing since 1806, where 8 people work, minimum sales 90,000 silver rubles; a smaller tannery, employing two people, with annual sales of up to 10,000 silver rubles; two oil mills, each employing two people and one horse, annual sales 3,000 silver rubles; two soap-works, each employing two people, annual sales 3,000 silver rubles; two shops producing handmade clothing, each employing three people, sales 1,000 silver rubles; a small-scale vinegar factory employing two people, sales 900 silver rubles; two dye-works, employing two people, sales 4,500 silver rubles; a shop producing cloth by hand, employing two people, sales 450 silver rubles; a boiler-works employing three people, sales 15,000 silver rubles. In addition to the factories listed above Gombin has seven cylinder windmills, each employing two people, accounting for 25,000 silver rubles; two cylinder water mills employing five people and bringing 3,000 silver rubles; one brewery, employing three workers, with annual sales of 1,200 silver rubles. The city treasury’s income in 1877 was 5,931 silver rubles, expenses were 5,871, reserve capital 10,790, and the reserve fund had 3,553 silver rubles.
    Gombin is a very old settlement, as seen by its local church, probably built by one of the Mazovian princes in the 14th century. Its antique glazed bricks, ornamented with various figures and emblems, attest to this in view of the lack of other data. In 1437 Ziemowit, prince of Rawice and Sochaczew, granted Gombin a settlement charter based on German law, and the charter was confirmed by Kazimierz Jagiellonczyk in 1462 and Zygmunt I. Fires in 1540 and 1545 destroyed Gombin and although it was rebuilt, the Swedish wars once again cast the undefended town of wooden structures into ruin. New royal grants and charters could not halt the decline of Gombin, which lacked the necessary conditions for successful development. Not until the current century did it begin to rise, after the establishment there in 1824 of a factory settlement with 30 clothiers imported from Germany, and later as a result of the development of the sugar industry and of agriculture throughout the whole vicinity.
    Gombin parish, belonging to Gostynin deanery, numbers 6,152 souls; the Protestant congregation numbers 3,000 souls. The Gabin deanery of Warsaw archdiocese has 17 parishes: Brzozow, Czermno, Gabin, Gizyce, Slubice (formerly Jamno), Ilow, Kiernozia, Luszyn, Oporow, Osmolin, Pacyna, Rybno, Sanniki, Suserz, Trebki, Troszyn, Zyck.
    Translated by William F. Hoffman, PGSA Summer 1999 Bulletin.

    Gajdowka, or Gajdowskie, in German Gaidowko, is a settlement in Swiecie county [powiat], in a wooded, sandy area, near the border of Tuchola county; 226 morgs, with 7 buildings, 2 habitable structures, 15 Catholics. It is served by the parish church in Sliwice, the school in Zdroje, and the post office in Szklana Huta (German name Louisenthal).æ Laski, a settlement in Swiecie county, on the stream Brzezina, in a sanded, woody area; 630 morgs of land, 67 buildings, 30 houses, with 132 Catholic inhabitants and 24 Protestant. It is served by the Sliwice parish church and post office and the school in Lek. [Rev. Fr., Volume 5, p. 851. gliwice, German name Gross Schliewitz, a churchowned village in the Tuchola Forest, on the river Sliwiczka, 25.7 km. northeast of Tuchola, on the edge of Tuchola county. It is about 22 km. from the railroad line TucholaStarogard and eastward; it has 1,622 hectares (26 of forests, 281 of meadows, 916 of farmland). In 1868 it had 985 inhabitants; in 1885 it had 175 houses, 231 hearths, and 1,246 inhabitants, 1,142 of them Catholic, 68 Protestant, and 36 Jewish. In 1887 Protestant services were held here for the first time in the school building. There is a pastor, but he does not yet have a church. There is a 4-classroom.
    Translated by William F. Hoffman, PGSA Fall 1999 Bulletin.

    Called Garcziorz by [Kaszuúbian folklorist Florian Stanislaw] Ceynowa, Garczegorz by Hilferdyng, in German Garzigar, and Parczewski heard the name as Garczagóra in the nearby village of Sarbsk [the modern name is Garczegorze]: a village in Pomerania, in Lebork county, on the Leba-Lebork highway, about 8 km. from Lebork, parish of Lebork, 5 Catholics. In 1348 Heinúrich von Rechter, Gdansk commander of the Teutonic Knights, issued this village a new charter on terms of Chelmno law. There were to be 60 wlokas, of which the soltys, Arnold von Vicken, received 6 free, as well as 3 pennies on legal judgments, both large and small; the commander kept for himself only [fines from] offenses on public roads. According to a 1437 listing of Lebork district there were 50 wlokas here, on each of which a rent was to be paid of 14 skoty and 5 denarii; there were also 6 free wlokas, on three of which rent began to be paid in 1439, 1440 and 1442. The total income from settled lands was 26 marks, 11 skoty, 10 denarii. In a 1658 inventory of Lebork district we read a list of the names of gburs: Piotr Katcken, Andrzej Gravetzki, Janusz Schmidt, Maciej Borin, Michal Bette, Pawel Borin, Piotr Krus, Jakob Katke, Maciej Kenses, and gardener Pawel Vick. There were 60 wlokas, of which the pastor had four, and the sexton (Kuster) one; the Lutheran preacher also received 4 wlokas along with a vacant gbur farm. 4 wlokas had been deserted nine years before, and now, after the war with Sweden, 4 were still deserted. The soltys had 6 free wlokas. A little forestland still belonged to the village, but it was badly devastated and little remained. Compare Reinhold Cramer’s Geschichte der Lande Lauenburg und Butcow.
    In Garcigorz there was a parish church since ancient times, of government patronage, called St. Mary Magdalene’s. The following small villages belonged to the parish: Garcigorz, Wilkowo, Oblewice, and part of Rekowo. The pastor owned 4 wlokas, and a fifth was bequeathed to the local Catholic teacher (according to Szaniawski’s inspection report). After the Reformation, since almost all the German residents converted to Protestantism, the Garcigorz church was incorporated as a branch of the Lebork one. It was long neglected, and around 1770 it collapsed. Then the Protestants thought they would take its site and build a new church for themselves; they even submitted a petition for this to the king of Prussia. But the ardent Ignacy Lniski, Wloclawek canon and pastor of Lebork, quickly built a new church at his own expense, in 1777, and frustrated their designs. The church was built in Prussian fashion, the roof covered with rough-hewn logs; there were three bells in the tower; the interior had a brick tile floor, with 30 pews and 4 windows; in the altar was an image of the church’s patron saint, Mary Magdalene. The pastor came here sometimes from Lebork for services; the Lutherans joined in them willingly enough; and in 1802 they told the bishop on his inspection tour that they heard the sermons as often as possible, whenever the pastor came to them. In more recent times the Garcigórz church was still visited at times, but it was not cared for adequately and it slowly deterúiorated. Finally in 1840 a strong windstorm finished it off. Since then it has not been rebuilt, and the Garcigorz congregation has been dissolved and attached to the church in Lebork. See Rev. Fankidejski, Utracone koscioly i kaplice, page 225. According to Parczewski in 1856 there were still old folks who spoke Kaszubian; but these days the village has been wholly Germanized. [Rev. F{ankidejski}].
    Translated by William F. Hoffman, PGSA Spring 2002 Rodziny.

    Nn the County of Szybin, the city (in old documents Gonzawa) in Szybin County at the lake and river Gasawka. In 1871m there were 91 houses, 854 inhabitants, 102 Protestants, 620 Roman Catholics, 132 Jews and 310 illiterates. In 1875, there were only 827 inhabitants. The Catholic church and parish belonged to the Deanery of Znin. The inhabitants were engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. There was a third-class telegraph and post office. Passengers and mail were carried from Gniezno through Gasawa to Naklo. There was an elementary school with a few classrooms. The nearest railroad station was in Mogilno, 22 Km away. This locality belonged to the Trzemeszno Abbey and was known as a village in the 12th century. In 1388, it was invested with city rights based on Magdeburg law. In 1237, Duke Swietopelk invaded Gasawa when Leszek Bialy called for a trial to condemn and punish him for insubordination, crimes, and troubles stirred in Greater Poland. He was particularly condemned for the invasion of Naklo. His servants had injured Henryk the Bearded while he was taking a bath and they killed the escaping Leszek Bialy near the village of Marcinkowo Gorne. The Poznan Scientific Society searched for the exact place of the assassination to put a memorial cross there, but they met with obstructions from the authorities.
    Submitted by: Alice Nelson, Bowie, MD 20715 (Feb 1997)

    Also Gembiczyna, a village on the Wisloka river in the district of Pilzno, belongs to the District Court and Post Office of Pilzno, which is 1 kilometer away, and to the Roman Catholic parish in Dobrkowo; it has 420 inhabitants. The major property has 207 morg [tr. note: 1 morg = 1.4 acre] of ploughland, 43 morg of orchards, meadows and pastures, and 369 morg of forest; the minor property has 346 morg of ploughland, 83 morg of orchards, meadows and pastures, and 31 morg of forest.
    Submitted by: John Cagney, Frankfort, IL (Mar 2002), Translated by Tomas Kopacz, Milwaukee, WI

    Current administrative location: Gęsin, Gmina Zakrzewo, Powiat Aleksandrów, Województwo Kujawsko–Pomorskie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Gęsin, Powiat Nieszawa, Gubernia Warszawske, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
    A village and colony located in powiat Nieszawa and gmina Sędzin. The village belongs to the parish of Koneck. In 1827, the village had 11 homes with 103 inhabitants.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, May 2009

    Current administrative location: Gibałka, Gmina Lelis, Powiat Ostrołęka, Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Gibałka, Powiat Ostrołęka, Gubernia Łomża, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
    A Kurpie village located in gmina Nasiadki, powiat Ostrołęka. Gibałka belongs to the Kadzidło Parish. The village is located by the Piasecznica River and is a distance of 4 verst from the gmina office located in the village of Tatary.
    In a detailed record of November 25, 1752, Jan Małachowski released his peasants from serfdom, and transformed the residencies into rentals. This record confirms the privileges that were granted by King August III on November 15, 1752, for all of the general forest estate area of Myszniec. The amount of the annual rent was set at 253 Polish złoty and 10 groszy.
    In 1765, there were 8 landlords that paid, in addition the rent above, 6 Polish złoty for taxes on the sale of alcoholic beverages. However, the tax privilege was not granted to the village (the village did not receive the tax payments?).
    In 1799, the annual rental fees were raised to 274 Polish złoty and 4 groszy. The taxes on the sale of alcoholic beverages in the farming settlements were raised to 8 Polish złoty.
    In 1820, there were 16 tenant farms and 3 cottages. Peasants were required to pay 423 Polish złoty and 22 groszy to fund the local economy. From this amount, 274 Polish złoty and 4 groszy went for rent, 128 Polish złoty went towards taxes on alcoholic beverage sales, and 9 Polish złoty and 18 groszy went towards a tithe for renovations of the Pułtusk seminary that was established in 1799. The work performed by the cottagers was converted into a payment of 12 Polish złoty. The land was divided into 32 fields, which were sown for 48 bushels of vegetables and corn for winter use.
    In 1827, there were 20 homes with 100 inhabitants. Presently (according to provincial government lists from 1878), there are 22 homes with 193 inhabitants. Also, Gibałka has 723 morgs of land, of that 86 morgs are arable farmland. The forest area of Gibałka is comprised of 1169 morgs of pine forest. Among the forests are dunes.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, August 2010

    A government-owned village in Sejny county, Pokrowsk gmina, Sejny parish, near the lake called Herod [apparently this is the lake now called Gieret]. It has 99 houses, 698 inhabitants, and the gmina administrative office. In 1827 it had 41 houses and 353 inhabitants. [Now{alski].
    Translated by William F. Hoffman, PGSA Winter 2004 Rodziny.

    Also called Gieldan. In German Gildon. A peasant village in Chojnice county in a forested and sandy area on a lake, 1/2 mile from the beaten track between Chojnice and Koscierzyna, 3/4 mile from the railroad station in Rytel on the Pila to Tczew line. Documents go back only to some church records of 1653. Size: 5210 morgs, 29 buildings, 12 dwelling houses, 121 Catholics. Parish and post office at Brusy. There is a school in the village.
    Translated by Gerald R. Schmidt, Pittsburgh, PA (Feb 2003)

    A village in the parish of Lejpuny, rural district of Kopciowo, Sejny County. It is located 43 versts from the town of Sejny. In 1827 there were 10 houses with 76 residents. Now there are 19 houses and 190 residents.
    Translated by Dorothy Leivers, Hadlow, Kent, England

    A peasant village and private manor, Lida powiat, 3rd administrative district, about 7 km. from Szczuczyn. In the year 1866, the village had 16 houses, 142 inhabitants; the manor had 11 inhabitants.
    Translated by Barbara Proko, Boulder, CO, and edited by Fred Hoffman. From the PGSA Summer 1998 Bulletin.

    A village with upper and lower parts, in Ropczyce county, in a hilly area along the right bank of the Wisłoka between Brzostek, Pilzno, and Dębica. The mountain Kamieniec, north of Głobikowa, is 460 meters high. In upper Głobikowa, also called Głobikówka, there is a coal mine. Głobikowa belongs to the county court and post office in Pilzno and the Roman Catholic parish in Gumniska; it has a district savings association with capital of 119 złotys, and its inhabitants number 410. The major estate [property owned by nobles] has 417 mórgs of farmland, 30 of gardens and meadows, 53 of pastureland, and 329 of forest; the minor estate [property owned by peasants] has 347 mórgs of farmland, 37 of gardens and meadows, 52 of pastures, and 25 of forest. During the days of Długosz (Vol. II, 265) it belonged to Jan Podgrodzki, Count Gryf.
    Translated by William F. Hoffman.

    Just south of Poznan lies the ancestral home of the Pokrywka family. The region is slightly hilly with many marshes and streams. Many patches of forest (remain. The Warta river is the western boundary of the parish of Gluszyna which was a small village of 21 buildings and 233 Catholic residents in the 1880s. Sw. Jakuba Apostola Church is over 500 years old. The villages of Staroleka, Minikowo, Garaszewo, Krzesiny, Krzesinki, Koninko, Sypniewo. Szczytniki, Kamionki, Piotrowo, Daszewice, Wiorek, Babki. and Czapury were in the Gluszyna parish, along with several estates and manors. The Gluszyna estate was over 3000 acres, halt forest, and was owned by the Count Dzieduszycki. Many of the old manor houses can still be seen in use today. Occupations in the area were primarily agricultural, such as farming and sheep herding,
    The old Pokrywka homestead is on the west side, off a narrow road. The lot is about 1/2 morg (about 175 ft x 175 ft). The old house was built of timber and stucco with a brick and cobblestone foundation. A straw roof was covered by sod. The old house was torn down c. 1983, and was said to be 150 years old, confirmed by the fact that Piotr Pokrywka moved to Daszewice in the 1830s. An old well and a kitchen house are still in use, the new home was built about 1973, and is occupied by Walentyna Karalus, daughter of Ewa Pokrywka Kowalska. Ewa was famous for her plum jam made from the plums from the old tree on the lot.
    The village of Głuszyna (which means “wilderness”, which it was at the time the area was settled) is ancient. It has very narrow roads with the old brick buildings almost sitting in the streets. The brick church sits on a grassy island on the road, surrounded by an iron fence. The home of Jacob Nawrot, Jezyce, is a settlement within the city of Poznan. Many Pokrywka relatives reside in the Poznan area, and are first, second and third cousins of ours.
    Submitted by: Rosemary Chorzempa, Temperance, MI (Nov 2000)

    Current administrative location: Gnojno, Gmina Inowrocław, Powiat Inowrocław, Województwo Kujawsko–Pomorskie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Gnoyno, Kreis Inowroclaw, Regierungsbezirk Bromberg, Provinz Posen, Kaiserlich Deutsches Reich.
    A dominium located in powiat Inowrocław, near the Żabienka river. The Gnojno dominium has an area of land equal to 1501 morgs. Gnojno has 8 houses with 147 inhabitants (141 Catholics and 6 Evangelical Protestants). There are 78 inhabitants that are illiterate. The post office and railway station are located about 4 kilometers away in Inowrocław. Gnojno is owned by the Józef Trzebiński. Grojno is famous for sheep herding. The entry did not list the village’s parish. The Inowroclaw Parish is located about 3-4 kilometers away.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, December 2009

    Golancz, in German Gollantsch, a town in powiat Wagrowiecki, about 30 km from the district capital, on the main road from Poznan to Bydgoszcz, on a little lake, surrounded by fertile land. In the year 1875 it has 1188 inhabitants, in 1871, 98 homes, 1281 inhabitants, 365 Protestants, 673 Catholics, 243 Jews; 332 are illiterate. It is the headquarters of the District Police. It belongs (is served) by the District Court at Wagrowiec. The Catholic Church (Ko?ció? p.w. ?w. Wawrzy?ca) belongs to the deanery of Kcynia. The Protestant Church belongs to the dioceses of Chodzieskie. There is an elementary school of multiple classes (kilkoklasowa) in the town.  The inhabitants are engaged mainly in agriculture. There exists here a post office of the third class; a telegraph office; mail men deliver to the towns of Bialosliwia (Weissenhole), and letters to Panigrodz (Frauengarten).
    In current times the population of the village has declined due to insufficient means to earn an income and the migration of population in the vicinity to America.
    The the year 1811 the town has 96 homes, and a population of 651; in the year 1837 there were 948 inhabitants. There were 6 town fairs per year.
    Near the town are the remains of a Zamek parapet / low wall and surrounding furrow / moat. Already in the year 1324 the Bishop of the Kujavian region is Maciej Golanczewski, so Golancz already existed. In the year 1330 the Teutonic Knights captured/seized Maciej Swietopekka of Golancz and held him captive in Raciazu, he served in the army/forces of Wladyslawa Lokietka. In the year 1384 Dugosz mentions Golancz and the lord of Dobyslawie.
    In the beginning of the 17th century Golancz belongs to the Smogulecki family, who as commissioner negotiated a treaty of peace between Zygmunt III and Gustav Adolfus. Later the town will become the property of a circle of the families, Przebendowski, Ciecirski, Mielzynski, Czarnecki, and at present the honorable Czapski family. It remains the tradition, that in the year 1656, a few nobles and several manors defended Golancz, against Swedish forces and all of them perished. The Honorable Karol Czarnecki is now the lord / heir of Golancz; a poem has been written on the “Assault of Gonancz.
    Translation by Jim Piechorowski (PGSA 6005), November 2005

    Current administrative location: Golanka, Gmina Kadzidło, Powiat Ostrołęka, Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Golanka, Powiat Ostrołęka, Gubernia Łomża, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
    A Kurpie village located in gmina Nasiadki, powiat Ostrołęka. Golanka belongs to the Kadzidło Parish. Golanka lies within the Grale forest and is just 5 verst from the gmina office located in Tatary.
    In 1752, King August III, granted the privilege of freedom to the peasants of the general forest estate area of Myszniec. An annual rent was established at 581 Polish złoty and 12 groszy. Records indicate that the county was no longer in the possession of the Małachowski family. In 1765, there were 17 landlords paying, in addition to the rent above, an annual tax on alcoholic beverages sold in the farming settlements.
    In 1799, the establishment of this tax was bearable because of the economy of the village inn. Also in 1799, the land rent was raised to 615 Polish złoty and 12 groszy.
    In 1820, there were 34 farming settlements and 7 cottages. The landlords paid rent of 615 Polish złoty and 12 groszy, established in 1799, and 29 Polish złoty and 14 groszy for a tithe for the repairs of the decaying Pułtusk seminary. There was a tavern that was privately owned by the Kryżanowski family, with a brewery, that paid 500 Polish złoty toward the Dylewo economy. Instead of serfdom, the laborers were paid 37 Polish złoty. The county owned 68 fields of land, which were sown for 68 bushels of vegetables and corn for winter use.
    In 1827, there were 46 homes with 218 inhabitants. Presently (according to provincial government lists from 1878), there are 50 homes with 218 inhabitants (199 Catholics). Also, Golanka has 1690 morgs of land, of that 200 morgs are arable farm land. Golanka has an elementary school. Lud Krz.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, July 2010

    A village on the Golcówka in Brzozów county. It is served by the county court in Brzozów and the post office in Jasienica. It has 2,544 inhabitants, among them 76 Jews; it has a Roman Catholic parish church and an elementary school. The major estate (owned by the Bishop of Przemysl) has 195 mórgs of farmland, 26 of gardens and meadows, 13 of pastures and 203 of forests; the minor estate has 2,210 mórgs of farmland, 224 of gardens and meadows, 172 of pastures, and 567 of forests. The bishop of Przemysl, Piotr Chrzastowski (P. de Chranstov) founded Golcowa in 1448 amid the forests by the Brzozówka and called it Piotrowin; but the inhabitants took the village’s name from Maciej Golec, who was the first soltys there.
    Translated by William F. Hoffman, PGSA Summer 2004 Rodziny.

    Current administrative location: Góra, Gmina Inowrocław, Powiat Inowrocław, Województwo Kujawsko–Pomorskie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Gora, Kreis Inowroclaw, Regierungsbezirk Bromberg, Provinz Posen, Kaiserlich Deutsches Reich.
    A dominium located in powiat Inowrocław. The Góra dominium has an area of land equal to 1242 morgs. The Góra dominium is comprised of two places: 1) the Góra folwark 2) the Góra church and parish. Góra has 7 houses with 110 inhabitants (109 Catholics and 1 Evangelical Protestant). There are 48 inhabitants that are illiterate. Góra is similar and comparable to Witowy.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, December 2009

    The village of Górki lies between the Breń and the Wisła rivers, in the county of Mielec. It belongs to the parish church in Czermin; the postal district is also in Czermin, and its district court is located in Zasów. Górki is about 5 kilometers distant from Czermin. There were 470 inhabitants. The lord of the manor, Count de Ligne, owned 502 morgen of farmland, 53 morgen of gardens and meadow, and 115 morgen of pastureland. The minor holdings in the village totaled 282 morgen of farms, 39 morgen of gardens and meadows, and 66 morgen of pastures.
    Translated by Helen Bienick of the PGS-CA

    Gorno, Gome, formerly Gdrna, village in the Tarnobrzeg powiat, in a hilly and wooded area, the Roman Catholic parish, powiat court and post office in Sokolow is 7 kilometers distance away. The inhabitants constitute 1119 Roman Catholics. With this village belong the hamlets of Dolega, Zaborze and Meszne. The gminna loan office has capital of 690 zloty. The majority has (Zamosc province) amounts to 550 morg [1 morg = 1.2 acres] of fields, 64 morg of meadows and planted, 77 morg of pastureland and 366 morg of forest; the minor has 972 morg fields, 125 morg planted and meadows, 97 morg pastureland and 43 morg of forest.
Note: Gorno now has a parish of its own.
    Submitted by: Rosemary Chorzempa, Temperance, MI (Nov 2000)

    Current administrative location: Gosławice, Gmina Zakrzewo, Powiat Aleksandrów, Województwo Kujawsko–Pomorskie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Gosławice, Powiat Nieszawa, Gubernia Warszawske, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
    It is a village located in powiat Nieszawa and gmina Sędzin. The village belongs to the parish of Siniarzewo and is currently owned by Józef Trzebiński. The overall open land area is 780 morgs, the amount of cultivated land is 535 morgs, 152 morgs of meadows, and 54 morgs of the Brzozowa forest. The land was graded for wheat and had arable loose soil. The crop rotation was distributed among eleven fields. The village is located at a distance of 14 verst from Nieszawa and the border of Aleksandrów.
    Apart from grain and wool production, Gosławice has several hundred well-defined breeds of sheep. In terms of topographic location, Gosławice is uniformly flat: among this plane, along the road from the village, runs dozens of cottages. Next after the pond, is an elevated beautiful and storied brick palace, which replaced the larch wooden manor house within the last decade. Today, this building has been converted into a folwark. There were 26 tenant farmers that received a grant for 26 morgs and 110 rods (a measurement). So far, the question of servants is still outstanding. There is a state of relatively wealthy peasants. The owner of the inn in Gosławice was abolished. In 1827, Gosławice had 16 homes with 135 inhabitants.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, May 2009

    Current administrative location: Gostomko, Gmina Lipusz, Powiat Kościerzyna, Województwo Pomorskie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Gostomken, Kreis Karthaus, Regierungsbezirk Danzig, Westpreußen, German Empire.
    The German name is Gostomken. It is a peasant village located in powiat Kartuzy and above the lake. A treaty between Kościerzyna–Bytów placed the village 1/4 mile from the border of powiat Kościerzyna. It covers an area of land of 4673 morgs, with 98 morgs of water. There are 185 Catholics and 20 houses. The parish is located in Lipusz. The school is located in Korne. The post office for Gostomko is located in Wygoda. It is a distance of 4 1/2 miles from Kartuzy and 1 1/2 miles from Kościerzyna.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, August 2009

    A village in the Powiat of Wagrowiecki (currently Zninski), 36 Homes / Farmsteads, 373 Inhabitants, 11 Protestants, 359 Catholics, 3 Jews, 128 are illiterate. There is a Catholic Church All Saints & Sw. Roche attached to the deanery of Rogowskiego. There is a Post Office in Znin a distance of 5 km and a Railroad Station in Gniezno a distance of 30 km.
    Translated by Jim Piechorowski (PGSA #6005), October 2005

    Current administrative location: Grabowo, Gmina Parchowo, Powiat Bytów, Województwo Pomorskie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Grabowo, Kreis Karthaus, Regierungsbezirk Danzig, Westpreußen, German Empire.
    A knightly village located in powiat Kartuzy. It is located along the great lake that is called Mausz on German maps. Grabowo belonged to the administrative district of Mirachowo during the rule of the Teutonic Knights. Currently, it consists of four districts that include the village of Dąbrowką. The area totals 2332 morgs of land. There are 134 Catholics and 14 homes. The village belonged to the Płachecki family. The village’s Catholic Parish is located in Parchowo. The school is located in Silczno and the post office is located in Wygoda. The village is a distance of 5 3/4 miles from Kartuzy.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, August 2009

    Current administrative location: Grale, Gmina Kadzidło, Powiat Ostrołęka, Województwo Mazowieckie, Poland. Administrative location in 1895 (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego): Grale, Powiat Ostrołęka, Gubernia Łomża, Vistula Land, Russian Empire.
    A Kurpie village located in gmina Nasiadki, powiat Ostrołęka. Grale belongs to the Kadzidło Parish. The village is a distance of 8 verst from the gmina office located in the village of Tatary.
    In 1752, King August III released the peasants from serfdom for all of the general forest estate area of Myszniec. The amount of the annual rent was set at 475 Polish złoty.
    In 1765, there were 11 landlords that paid, in addition the rent above, 2 Polish złoty for taxes on the sale of alcoholic beverages in the farming settlements. However, the tax privilege was not granted to the village (the village did not receive the tax payments?).
    In 1820, there were 29 tenant farms, 1 empty settlement, and 7 cottages. Landlords were required to pay 482 Polish złoty for rent to fund the local economy. From this amount, 180 Polish złoty went towards taxes on alcoholic beverage sales and 13 Polish złoty went towards a tithe for renovations of the Pułtusk seminary that was established in 1799. The work performed by the cottagers was converted into a payment of 34 Polish złoty. The land was divided into 30 fields, which were sown for 45 bushels of vegetables and corn for winter use.
    Presently, there are 39 homes with 166 male and 168 female inhabitants. Grale has 932 morgs of land, of that 100 morgs are arable farm land. The forest settlement of Grale has 6 morgs of land. The forest area of Grale is comprised of 1220 morgs of pine forest.
    Translated by Al Wierzba, August 2010

    In German, Grutta. This name applies to three localities in Grudziadz county on a sizable lake (called in documents lake Lome), half a mile from the beaten track between Grudziadz and Radzyn, 1/6 mile from the new train station in Mielno on the Jablonowo-Grudziadz line, 1 1/2 miles from Grudziadz.
    1) Gruta, the village with the parish church, 4431 morgs in size (6220 acres), with 220 buildings, 110 dwelling houses, 775 Catholics, 42 Evangelicals. The church and school are in the village, the post office and railroad station are in Mielno.
    2) Gruta the folwark. In 1866 it was nicknamed Frankenhain. It is 2627 morgs (3688 acres) in size; has 20 buildings, 8 dwelling houses, 149 Catholics and 34 Evangelicals. Parish school and post office as above.
    3) Gruta, earlier a free hamlet (solectwo) on the lake, now a folwark attached to the knightly estate of Orle; in 1855 nicknamed Bergaus. Located right beyond the church village of Gruta (#1 above), it consists of 3 buildings, 1 dwelling house, 14 Catholics and 6 Evangelicals.
    Originally Gruta constituted one entity. It appears to have existed from earliest times; only we don’t have precise information. A document of 1222 mentions the forest Gruth, donated to bishop Christian; it’s not known, however, whether it was located at today’s Gruta. The first certain news comes from 1282: the Grand Master of the Krzyzak order, Mangold von Sternberg, hands over a village which they call Frankenhayn. From a document we know that a village stood here before; because the Krzyzak master mentions expressly 2 wlokas# where the earlier village stood. He says also that his predecessor Ludwik von Queden (1249-1252) handed it over to Herman von Meiningen so that he’d settle it with German peasants. There were as many as 108 wlokas, overlooking lake Lome.
    The settlements came to naught, however, because the pagan Prussians fell upon this entire locality and laid it waste. On the heels of that (tak teraz on dopiero), Mangold von Sternberg, gives to Konrad von Lewitz a privilege for these wloki. In 1315 the Grand Master Karol Beffart permitted the inhabitants to fish in lake Lome. In 1414 they refer to 2000 losses suffered in the Krzyzak war with the Poles. In spite of that Gruta counts in 1435 148 cultivated wloki; of these the soltys# has now only 8 free, the pastor 4; 136 others paid the czynsz to Zamek Rogozinski. There were as many as 7 inns in the village.
    The old Polish name Gruta was known and used by the Krzyzaks, the result of a privilege which the Grand Master Pawel von Russdorf conferred on the city of Radzyn in 1438. In 1667 canon Strzesz in a Visitation writes that the post-Krzyzak church (or the church erected by them) has a beautiful placement on a height over the lake, from the tower of which there is a beautiful view of the region and the nearby forests. He informs that there existed a school earlier, but that it had fallen apart; the starosta# took over its garden.
    From 1677 there is a new regulation confirmed by king John Sobieski regarding the so-called wybrancy or lemani, of whom three were noted in the village Gruta. In 1726 the following are named villagers in Gruta: Jakub Kedziorka, Pawel Piszorek, Michal Buczek, Pawel Klucznik, Jakub Czajkowski, Stanislaw Uszler, Marjan Pilarski and others. These received this same year a privilege from Jan Gruszczynski, cupbearer of the king and administrator of the economy of Rogozno. In 1743 it is written in the bishop’s Visitation that the post-Krzyzak church – altho stone-walled – is very meager (szczuply) and not well-proportioned. He regrets that there still was not school “ob nimiam negligentiam et ruditatem parentum” due to the negligence and lack of culture of the parents, who don’t send children in. In 1747 a royal mandate came out restoring the original wloki to the pastor (he had had 8) and ordering a new church to be built. The preliminary steps were done in returning the wloki, but afterward wars broke out and stopped the process. Finally a new church was raised, entirely of stone, far larger than the previous one. The cost was born by the royal economs# of Rogozno.
    The Lustration from 1765 regarding the folwark of Rogozno informs us that in Gruta Folwark were found 10 cottages and 1 inn in which they sell the beer from Rogozno. In 1766 are mentioned the following wybrancy or lemani: Wojciech Deczynski, Andrzej Mierzwicki, Pawel Klucznik, Wawrzyniec Papalski and the nobleman Walenty Zglnicki. The last 2 were certainly soltyses at that time, because here there were only 3 lemani. In 1776 king Frederick II founded a school in Gruta. He writes from a visit in 1786 that they taught a bit of Latin and arithmetic in German and Polish. In 1784 the Prussian regime handed over a huge folwark to the royal folwark of Rogozno previously belonging in perpetual lease to the bailiff Jan Gottlib Muller. One hundred fifteen wlokas were counted (originally there were no folwarks at all in Gruta; it was only when, as a result of wars and other misfortunes, the farms of the villagers declined, the lands were turned to folwarks). A private farm would now be seen to a high degree as uncared-for. In 1787 Ksawery Pawlowski holds the local solectwo. In 1802 the merchant Chomse of Grudziadz bought out this solectwo. With the permission of the regime he joined it to his knightly estate in Orle, where he established a so-called family Fideikomis.
    In 1855 the regime permitted this solectwo (a little folwark) to bear the nickname Bergaus. In 1830 Andrzej Piszora and comrades who were settled together on 32 wlokas received from the Prussian regime the rights of ownership, exchanging szarwark# for czynsz. In 1833 ensued the separation of the village lands in the village Gruta. Two wlokas of common pasture, which it was also necessary to divide, were overgrown for the most part with trees and shrubs.
    See: Frolich: Geschichte des Graudenzer Kreises, 157, Church and Parish of Gruta, in which is the stanie we extract from the diocesan so called schematism. Gruta parish is in Radzyn deanery. Title of the church is Assumption under the patronage of the king. In regard to the founding and consecration nothing is known (tho a few details are given above). There are 1800 souls. A szpital has existed from early on for 4 poor. Villages in the parish : Gruta the village, Gruta the folwark, Slup, Orle, Hansfelde, Annaberg, Ramutki and Petershof. There are 2 schools in the parish: in Gruta with around 100 children, and in Slup with as many. Twenty children attend a Lutheran school in Orle. Earlier there were 2 churches in the parish which have been lost. One was in Slup, where Boleslaw Chrobry left a memorial of his victories and rule; there were 6 church wlokas. It existed in 1444. It fell apart certainly in subsequent wars, because later there is no mention of it. Even about the church wlokas all is forgotten. Only in 1648 did the canon of Kruszwica and pastor of Gruta Stanislaw Myslkowski recover them legally.
    The 2nd church, in Orle, was entirely of stone with a tower. In 1667 a Visitation informs that early on the Lutherans took it over and in their possession it fell to complete ruin. In that year 1667 only the walls stood with the signs of consecration still on them; the roof had fallen in; the doors were open. In 1700 the remnants were torn down. Michal Meldzynski the castellan# of Rypin, removed the bricks for the reparation of the church in Bledowo; the rest were taken by poor people. See Fr. Fankidejski’s Utracone Koscioly, 85-86.
    Submitted & translated by Gerald R. Schmidt, Pittsburgh, PA (Dec 2004)

    Grywałd, once called Grymwald, is a village in the county of Nowy Targ. It lies on the road leading from Nowy Targ to Krościenko, on the northern side. On its southern side is the Lubiań spring, heading to a stream called Wąski, which runs into a stream called the Krośnica. To the west Grywald borders Krośnica, to the east lies Krościenko, and to the south lie the villages of Hałuszowa and Tylka. Tylmanowa lies on the northeast, as do the mountains, among them Gorce, Lubań (12ll meters in height), Marsowiec 832 meters high, and Jaworzyna, with an elevation of 1050 meters. Many streams originate here, namely Wąska, Lubań and Polenic, which empty into the Sosna River. To the north, rise other hills with elevations of 1086 meters, 860 meters, 908 meters, 777 meters, 582 meters, and 585 meters.
    The church in Grywałd numbered 546 souls. The census of 1869 counted 698 inhabitants (354 men and 344 women) and 115 houses. According to the schematics of the diocese of Tarnów in 1880, there were 534 Catholics. Of the two folwarks (large farmsteads) one covered 112 morgen of fertile farmlands, 40 mr. of meadows and gardens, 478 mr. of pastures and 105 fields, all in Austrian land measurements.
    In 1777 there were 78 houses, 385 Catholics and 12 Jews. By 1824, the figures showed 106 houses with 611 inhabitants. According to the county records in Czorsztyn, the owner of Grywałd paid a tax of 634½ “groszy” (groschen) on 9½ large fields.
    The Grzywałdzki noble family administered the town affairs in 1591. Maciej and Kasper Grywałdzki received that privilege from King Zygmunt (Sigismund II) in Kraków on June 22, 1591, which they held until the death of Kasper in 1615. Kasper’s successor was Bartłomiej Grzywałdzki. In 1621 he refused to surrender his position to Maciej Rypiński as mandated by the king. Rypiński presented his case to the local court. The commission hearing his complaint consisted of Jakób Łąbecki, a vicar from Sromowce, as well as commissioners Jan Kolaszkowski, Stanisław Piotrkowski, and Jakób Zaleski. In 1623 Bartlomiej Grywałdzki still held his office, and whether Rypinski ever served in that office, is not documented. The next administrator was Wojciech Grywałdzki. Upon his death, King Casimir in Warsaw in 1654, bestowed the office on Walenty Sasinow, his standard bearer from Bracław. The last administrator was Franciszek Grzywaldzki, who died on February 24, 1791. On June 18th of that year, the village administration was placed in the hands of the Royal Treasury.
    On January 5, 1745, King August III granted the administration rights to Franciszek, and Andrzej and Stanisław Chryczyków (Hryczków). They were granted free access to the royal forests of Czorsztyn, and were permitted to use the trees for heating and construction of buildings. They were given permission to operate a brewery and a distillery for their private use. They were also permitted to fish, hunt and operate a water mill. In addition, they were exempt from labors, and obligations to the military. They paid a tax of 100 złoty a year for each field they owned. In 1724, December 5, the office of sheriff was granted to Antoni and Franciszek Grywałdzki by King Augustus II. At that time there were three cottager farmers, one water mill and one brewery.
    On October 11, 1759, Jakób and Anna Grywałdzki and Antoni and Rozalia Grywałdzki, married couples, received permission from the king to transfer their rights to their sons, Franciszek and Józef.
    According to records from 1765, the town had a capital in the amount of 490 złoty and 27 groszy. The yearly expenses amounted to 90 złoty and 27 groszy. The yearly income amounted to 400 złoty, or 100 złoty each quarter.
    The Catholic church in Grywałd was an affiliate of the parish in Krościenko. The post office was located in Krościenko, also. In the late 1800s, the town was the property of Michał and Anna Dziewal.
    Translated by Helen Bienick of the PGS-CA

    Grzymałów (with Zamurze and Kąty), now known as Hrymalov in Ukraine, is located 2 miles south of the city of Skałat. It lies on the road, which runs from Smykowiec through Skałat, Grzymałów, Chorostków, ending in Suchostawa, where it joins the highway to Tarnopol. The Gniła river flows through the town where it forms a large pond. The pond supplied water for the steam mill, constructed in the late 1800’s by the owner of the town, Count Leonard Piniński. This was the second largest such mill in Eastern Galicia, the first one being in Przemysl.
    The folwark and manor property of Count Piniński covered 2269 morgen of land, and 307 morgen of forests. The remaining area covered 3645 morgen of land, whose soil was very fertile. On its north side, Grzymałów is bordered by the Miodogory or Miodobory mountain chain, covered heavily with trees, that protects the town from the northern winds. To the west lies a plateau with a few thousand inhabitants, scattered throughout a large area. On the south, lies Chorostków, and expansive, wealthy area, once the property of the Lewicki and Sieniawski nobles. Both Grzymałów and Chorostków form a boundary, which separated the cold northwest Podola from the warmer climate to the southeast, the location of the villages of Pokucie, Bukowina, and Moldo-Woloszczyzna. In the late 1890’s, the population numbered 3995. There were 556 Roman Catholics, 1160 Greek Catholics, and 2279 Israelites. In 1609, Count Wojciech Ludzicki organized the Roman Catholic parish in the village of Hlibów. Later invading infidels destroyed it. When the Muslims and Tartars departed from Podola, Adam Mikołaj Sieniawski transferred the parish to Grzymałów in 1716. A church was built in 1752, and dedicated in 1827, under the name “Blessed Trinity”. It was still in existence at the time of this writing. The church belonged to the diocese of Lwow and served 15 villages, namely, Bucyki, Czechowa, Hlibów, Kałaharówka, Kozina, Leżanówka, Łysagóra, (AKA Eleonorówka) Mazurówka, Okno, Ostapie, Pajówka, Podlaś, Poznanka-hetmanska, Wolica, Zarubińce. These villages combined had a population of 5088 Roman Catholics, 8 agnostics, and 3290 Israelites. A chapel erected in 1818 stands on the cemetery, a gift of Konstancya Lubomirski.
    The schools in these villages belonged to the school district in Tarnopol. Grzymałów had a two room school for boys, with two teachers. Most of the other schools had mainly one-room schools. Grzymałów also had a school for girls. It was maintained by the Felician Sisters who came to Grzymałów in 1871 from the village of Iwanowka. The Greek Catholic Church also was part of the Diocese of Lwow. Its member villages were Podlesie, Mazurówka and Eleonorówka.
    On a small hill overlooking the pond, stood a castle built by Adam Mikołaj Sieniawski, whose portrait was preserved on the premises. It was an attractive building with a steeple and a turret. In the late 1800’s, the defense walls were removed, and a beautiful English Garden was built; the castle itself was remodeled into a beautiful and livable palace. Grzymałów was the business hub of more than 30 Podole villages and 2 towns, Touste and Tarnoruda. Originally owned by the Sieniawski family, it was passed on to the Lubomirski family, and later to the Rzewuski family, all noblemen. The mother of Wacław Rzewuski, who was called “The Goldbearded Emir”, lost her fortune. The lawyer, who handled the bankruptcy and liquidation of her assets, received as his honorarium the village of Touste, Krasze, Stawki, and Sadzawki. Other nobles and gentry purchased some of the villages at auction. One village was claimed by a laundress from Vienna and given to her as overdue salary. Grzymałów and its folwark “Popławy” was purchased by Antym Nikorowicz. After his death it passed on to his son, Karol, who sold it to his brother-in-law, Count Leonard Piniński.
    The Jewish settlement in Grzymałów was a thriving business. They carried on a very prosperous trade in grain, threads and yarns, eggs, vodka, and flour. There were 3 trade fairs per year, and outdoor markets every Thursday. The lending bank had a capital of 405 złotys and 72 cents.
    The exact date of the town’s founding is not certain but reportedly was during the reign of Władysław Jagiełło (1386-1434). The name of the town is also a mystery, since its origin is not known. Perhaps it was taken from a family surname or a coat of arms.
    Translated by Helen Bienick of the PGS-CA

    A village. also known as Gurbieniszki, is in the parish and rural district of Kopciowo,Sejny County. It is located 32 versts from the town of Sejny and has 3 houses and 20 residents.
    Translated by Dorothy Leivers, Hadlow, Kent, England (May 2004)

    Gumniska-Fox [now simply Gumniska], a village on the river Ostra, which flows into the Wisłok from the left bank, in a hilly and wooded area of Pilzno county.The nearby mountain Sowia reaches an elevation of 342 meters above sea level. The Roman Catholic parish dates from 1310 and the current wooden church, St. Mikołaj [Nicholas] dates from 1682; it was renovated in 1863. Its 900 inhabitants are Roman Catholics. The parish, of Wielopole deanery, numbers 1,792 Catholics, 60 Jews. It has records from 1706. Around 1870-1880 the pastor here was Rev. Jan Perges, known as a folk writer under the pseudonym Janek z Głodomanku. The major estate has 256 mórgs of farmland, 7 of gardens, 13 of pastures, and 541 of forests; the minor estate has 788 mórgs of farmland, 37 of meadows and gardens, 79 of pastures, and 93 of forests. During the time of Długosz (Liber beneficiorum, Vol. II, 264) Gumniska-Fox belonged to Mikołaj Łatoszyński, Count Gryf.
    Translated by William F. Hoffman