News and Updates

2024-07-15 – Chicago Street Guides & City Directories added to the Geography section under the Research Sources tab
2024-07-13 – How to use Cadastral Maps added to the “How To” category under the Education tab
2024-07-12 – 2 Gazetteers added to the Gazetteer Collection under the Geography category under the Research Sources tab
2024-07-04 – 13 Alternative Polish Data Sources descriptions added to the “What Are” category under the Education tab
2024-07-02 – 3 Cemetery sites added to Polish cemeteries section under Surname Databases: 2 cover Poland in general, 1 the Kraków area
2024-07-01 – NEW CATEGORY STARTED: WHAT ARE… Under the Education tab – Descriptions of what are the types or sources of documents, items of research, etc.
                        helpful to your genealogical knowledge base and progress, initiated with the article “What Are Property Inventories?”
2024-06-26 – Polish Heraldry & Nobility – Several databases added to this section under the Education tab
2024-06-22 – Poznań Province – Index of Enfranchisement Documents after the abolition of serfdom, also includes part of Kuyavia
2024-06-20 – Cemeteries in Poland – Two cemeteries in Łomża added to searchable Polish surname databases
2024-06-01 – Kurpie Project – under Surname Databases>Poland>Regions adds record indexes, maps, parishes, etc. focused on the area of the Kurpie population
2024-06-01 – Silesia – under Surname Databases>Poland>Regions adds indexes and metrics by the Upper Silesia Genealogical Society
2024-06-01 – Louis Kessler Links & Routes to Roots Foundation – under Surname Databases>Poland>Jewish for collections of data and links
2024-05-19 – WEBINAR UPLOAD – How To: Decipher Cursive Script & Handwriting added to Videos under the Education tab
2024-05-12 – Belarusian Archive item added to Belarusian Archives under the Research Sources tab
2024-05-11 – Ukrainian Archive search sites added to Ukrainian Archives under the Research Sources tab
2024-05-09 – Felician Order in North America Archives – added to US Archives under the Research Sources tab
2024-05-08 – WEBINAR UPLOADED – Q&A Coffee Hour with Polish Genealogist Aleksandra Kacprzak added to Videos (Members Only) under the Education tab
2024-05-07 – Polish National Archives & Branches – Contact data, websites and records-held information for all locations under Research Sources > Archives > Poland
2024-05-07 – Schenectady County Eastern European roots Newsletters – Highlights family histories by surname
2024-04-29 – RODZINY – Spring edition now available for download by members
2024-04-18 – Polish Heraldry – Three new sites added under the Education > Polish Culture > Polish Heraldry tabs: Search by surname for coat of arms image and other data
2024-04-03 – Austrian Cadastral Maps and Current Lithuanian Searchable Map added to Map Collections in the Geography Section under the Research Sources Tab
2024-04-03 – Sanborn Maps added to the Geography Section under the Research Sources Tab
2024-04-02 – Navigating Map Search Engines instructions for 5 mapping sites added in “How To” under the Education tab
2024-03-17 – Russians to America Index, 1834-1897 added to Surname Databases
2024-03-16 – Belarus National Archives – added to Surname Databases
2024-03-04 – Surname Mapping – Seven (7) sites to map your surname distribution added to the Geography section under the Research Sources tab
2024-02-19 – WEBINAR UPLOADED Polish Census and Notary Records added to Videos (Members Only) under the Education tab
2024-02-19 – WEBINAR UPLOADED Non-Vital Records…More Vital Than You Think added to Videos (Members Only) under the Education tab
2024-02-07 – Map Workshop Videos added to Videos under the Education tab that in 2 parts outline how to use several map sites in your research
2024-02-06 – Izdebki parish (SE Poland) indexes of Births (1876-1900) and Marriage (1869-1906) added to Polish surname databases
2024-01-16 – WW II Alien Registration Act Source added to the US section of Surname Databases
2024-01-15 – Guide to Researching World War II Records added under the Education tab
2024-01-14 – 1827 Polish gazetteer of the Russian Partition added to Gazetteers under the Research Sources tab
2024-01-03 – Chicago Archdiocese Polish Data – Church & religious institution histories, FamilySearch microfilm numbers, added to Geography under Research Sources
2024-01-02 – Street Name & Number Changes – Steve Morse, select by city databases, added to Geography under Research Sources
2023-12-04 – Lithuania – New sites added to Surname Databases
2023-11-21 – WEBINAR UPLOADED Researching in the Galician Archives added to Videos (Members Only) under the Education tab
2023-11-08 – Words & Phrases Commonly Found in Marriage Records added to the Vocabulary section under the Education tab
2023-11-04 – 6 David Rumsey Map Collections added to the Research Sources tab: Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Prussia, Russia and Ukraine
2023-11-02 – German Colonization in Galicia – the strange case of Prussian colonists recruited by Austro-Hungary for Galicia, added to Polish Culture under the Education tab
2023-11-01 – Why You Might Not Be Finding That Record and some ideas to try, added to the Getting Started part of the Education Section
2023-10-20 – Słownik Geograficzny Translations – Almost 90 new villages added to the collection found in the Geography section under the Research Sources tab
2023-10-15 – Family Relationship Terminology – Translation of Polish terms of family relationship added to the Language/Vocabulary section under the Education tab
2023-10-11 – Questions When Hiring a Researcher added to Getting Started under the Education tab
2023-10-09 – Cleveland Public Library Genealogy Section added to Libraries under the Research Sources tab
2023-10-06 – Added to Maps under Research Sources – Polish Military Geographical Institute Map Archive 1919-1939
2023-10-05 – Added to Polish Surname Databases – Index of records of the Lublin area
2023-09-18 – Added to Videos under Education – Family Search – Recent & Upcoming Enhancements
2023-09-07 – Added to Surname Databases – Lithuanian databases page from the Lithuanian Global Genealogical Society
2023-09-04 – Michigan sites added to US Surname Databases, Research/Libraries & Research/Newspapers
2023-08-25 – Added to Ukrainian Databases – Several searchable databases
2023-08-24 – Added to Polish Databases – Małopolska/Kraków 1925 City Directory
2023-08-22 – Added to Videos under Education – Ukrainian Archives: Update on accessing
2023-08-07 – Eastern Europe Gazetteer added to Gazetteer file under Research Sources
2023-08-06 – Jewish Gen Gazetteer added to Gazetteer file under Research Sources
2023-07-24 – Added to Libraries under Research Sources – Loyola University of Chicago “Polish Women’s Alliance of America” journal collection
2023-07-23 – Gesher Galicia added to Research Sources, Genealogical Societies & Organizations
2023-07-21 – Added to Surname Databases – Polish Nobility & Gentry databases
2023-06-19 – Added to Surname Databases – Galician site covering Polish and Ukrainian records and information
2023-06-03 – Added to US Surname Databases – Links to searchable US census data: 1870-1950
2023-05-30 – Added to Videos under Education – Hidden Gems in Family Letters and Postcards
2023-05-02 – Added to Videos under Education – How maps coordinated with census and other records can deepen family histories
2023-03-11 – Added to Ohio Surname Databases – Toledo First Polonia Families 1866-77 and an article on Polish immigration to Toledo
2023-03-11 – Added to Ohio Surname Databases – Toledo/Lucas County Polish Surname Death Records 1871-1886
2023-01-25 – Added to Education Section – House History for Genealogy – The history of family homes might add depth to your research; many links
2023-01-25 – Added to Education Section – Researching Passenger Ship Data – Tips about finding and using these documents; many links
2023-01-11 – Added to Education Section, Vocabularies – Translation of common Polish society names and acronyms referenced in US Polish obituaries
2023-01-09 – Added to Education Section, Vocabularies – Names of Polish churches and cemeteries translated into English
2022-12-01 – Added to Polish databases/Cemeteries – Kolno cemetery index
2022-12-01 – Added to Polish databases/Jewish – Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Holocaust Index
2022-10-28 – Added to Poland databases – Martyred Pomeranian police officers 1939-45
2022-10-15 – CONFERENCE VIDEOS added to Education Section – All 6 of the presentations are uploaded
2022-08-08 – Added to Research Sources – Links to Belarusian archives
2022-08-08 – Added to Research Sources – Links to Ukrainian archives
2022-07-26 – Added to Education Section, Polish Culture – Podhale…Rural Life (Video) – A personal encounter with the old ways that are fading into memory
2022-06-30 – Added to Education Section, Polish Culture – Polish Skansen – Links to 32 Polish open-air ethnographic and folk museums
2022-06-29 – Added to Education Section – Outline of Polish census sources from pre-partition to today
2022-06-28 – Added to Education Section – WW1 Guide to researching US records
2022-06-27 – Added to Research Sources – 814 US Polish churches sorted by Founding Date and by State-City
2022-06-08 – Added to Surname Databases – Kaszubian Migration Project: Surnames by settlement location with information about the individual
2022-06-07 – Added to Education Section – Two Instructional Videos on researching Polish records
2022-04-16 – Added to Surname Databases – 1950 Census data index for St. Hedwig Orphanage, Niles, Cook County Illinois
2022-04-16 – Added to Surname Databases – Searchable database of church metrical records across Lithuania
2022-04-16 – Added to Research Sources – “Village Search”, Tsarist inhabited places list in Suwałki Governorate with Lithuanian & Russian spellings and variations
2022-04-16 – Added to Research Sources – Under “Village Search”, viewable church records for the Biržai and Zarasai regions of Lithuania
2022-03-19 – Added to Research Sources – US National Archives Access to Archive Databases, Directory or State Archive, Russian Archives
2022-03-14 – Added to Research Sources – Village locators for Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia; plus the Lithuanian Global Genealogy Society
2022-03-08 – Added to Surname Databases – Searchable cemeteries in Grajewo, Poland, and Belarus
2022-03-07 – Added to Maps – Map collections for Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus
2022-03-02 – Added to Research Sources – Maps: – Foundation for East European Family History Studies (FEEFHS) map library
2022-02-10 – Added to Lithuania Surname Databases: – 2 searchable sites covering several Lithuanian cemeteries
2022-02-10 – Added to Research Sources – Lithuanian village and town locator – In the Geography section
2022/02/02 – Added to US-Illinois Surname Databases – Illinois Polish Military Alliance Battalion (WW I), 396 officers and men with rank and company assignment
2022/02/01 – Added to the Education Section – Video on Preserving Your Precious Documents & Photos