2015 Rodziny – Spring 2015 – Electronic version
Table of Contents for Rodziny Spring 2015
News and Notes from the President………………………………1
Letters to the Editor…………………………………………………….2
PGSA Quarterly Meeting, May 17, 2015………………………..2
From Our Correspondent in Poland—Gubernia Official
Journals as an Alternative Source for Genealogical
Searches, Iwona Dakiniewicz…………………………………3
Upcoming PGSA Meetings…………………………………………..6
The Raflik Family—Or How an Airline Employee
Helped Me Find a Long-lost Relative, Ray Raflik………7
Using Max Vasmer’s Russisches Geographisches
Namenbuch to Find Locations in the Russian Empire
and the Soviet Union, Edward David Luft…………………9
Save a Tree!…………………………………………………………….13
PGSA’s February Meeting: What You Missed!………………14
Awards Nominations………………………………………………….15
† Janice Bernice (Piento) Lipinski †…………………………….15
A Case for Complete Data Entry of Church Records,
John L. Rys………………………………………………………..16
Anna Chmielewska: Her Early Life in Poland and
Emigration, Steve Szabados………………………………..20
From the Słownik Geograficzny: Gniew……………………….24
Articles of Interest……………………………………………………..31
Index to Surnames Mentioned in This Issue…………………32