Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings, 3rd Ed, Electronic Download-Vol 1-9.5 MB; Vol II-12.7 MB
Author: William F. Hoffman (Third Edition, Revised)
Both Volume I (9.5 MB pdf) & Vol II ( 12.7MG pdf) are downloadable –
Volume I consists of 12 chapters focusing on the history of surname development and name suffixes (such as ski, czak, owitz and more) and may serve to solve some the mysteries resulting from the twists and turns of family names. It also looks at the various categories into which names can be classified and other ethnicities—Czech, German, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Jewish.
Volume II is an index of some 50,000 common surnames, organized by the roots the names are derived from, with an indication of the number of Polish citizens that bore each name as of 2002.