Text Translations Prepared by Daniel M. Schlyter
This gazetteer was published between 1880 to 1902 under the direction of Filip Sulimierski. It is an excellent gazetteer for locating places in the areas of Poland, both present and past. Coverage includes all localities in the former Polish provinces of Russia, most localities in the former Austrian province of Galicia (now divided between Poland and the Ukraine), Belorussian provinces of the Russian Empire (now in the Republic of Belarus), and also contains significant localities in other Slavic and eastern European nations; Russia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. While the information is a bit less comprehensive, localities from the provinces of Poznan, West Prussia, East Prussia, Silesia, and Pomerania are also covered.
It is an extremely valuable gazetteer in that it indicates the parish for most of the villages. The parish is the most productive place to search for vital records.
Localities are listed alphabetically. Słownik Geograficzny follows the normal Polish alphabetical order except that the o and ó are alphabetized as one letter. Also other pairs (c,ć), (n,ń), (s,ś), and the group (z, ż, ź) are in some cases not alphabetized separately.
If there are several localities with the same name they are numbered. Places in the Kingdom of Poland are listed first, followed by places in Galicia, Ukraine, Byelorussia (Belarus), Prussia and other states. If the locality had a foreign name or alternate spelling it is indicated in italics after the entry. Some entries will refer you to another entry with the abbreviation ob. meaning “see”.
Entries usually give the following information:
1. Description of the locality
ws., wies – village
os., osada, – settlement
fol., folwark – manor
dobra – estate
mko., miasteczko – town mto., miasto – city
jez., jezioro – lake
rz., rzeka – river
strumien – stream
2. District
(pow., powiat)
3. Community or Township
(gm., gmina)
4. Parish
(par., parafia) : This is usually the Roman Catholic parish (par. rz. kat.) unless otherwise specified.
Evangelical Lutheran (par. ew.)
Orthodox (par. prawosl.)
Greek-Catholic Uniate (par. gr. k.)
If the parish is not specified in the entry, refer to the entry for a locality noted as being nearby.
5. Population figures, agricultural data, number of houses, distance from other localities and other information is given.
dm., domow – houses
mk., mieszkancow – inhabitants w., wierst – verst (1066.78 meters)
zyd., zydow – Jews
Glossary Of Terms And Abbreviations Used In The Słownik Geograficzny
al. | Albo | also called | |
akat. | Akatolicki | non-catholic | |
analf. | Analfabeta | illiterate | |
apt. | apteka | pharmacy | |
B. | Bial- | white (part of a place-name) | |
bisk. | Biskupstwo | bishopric seat |
brz. | Brzeg | shore | |
bud. | Budowy, Budowia | buildings | |
chrz. | chrzescijanie | Christians | |
c.k. | Cesarko-królewski | Imperial Kingdom | |
cz. | Czesc | part | |
czyt. | Czytaj | read, refer to | |
dawniej | -- | formerly | |
d. | domow | houses | |
dek. | Dekanat | deanery | |
dl. | dlugosc | distance | |
dl.g. | dlugosc geograficzna | longitude | |
dm. | Domow | houses | |
dr. | drewniany | wooden | |
drz. zel. | Droga zelazna | railway | |
dwor. | Dwor, dwory, dworski | estate (belonging to the estate) | |
dyec. | Diecezya, Diecezja | diocese | |
ew. | Ewangelicki | Evangelical Protestant | |
fabr. | Fabryka | factory | |
fil | filia | branch, affiliate | |
fol. | Folwark | manor farm | |
gl. | gleboki | deep | |
gm. | Gmina | township, commune | |
gora | -- | mountain | |
granica | -- | border | |
gr. dom. | Grupa dom—w | group of houses | |
gr. kat. | Grecko-katolicki | Greek-Catholic | |
gr. nieun. | Grecko-nieunicki | Orthodox | |
grunta | -- | cultivated land | |
grzbiet | -- | ||
gub. | Gubernia | Russian province | |
ha. | Hektar | hectar (2.47 acres) | |
hr. | hrabia | count | |
i | -- | and | |
i i. | i inne | et al ., and others | |
izr. | Izraelici | Jews, Israelites |
jez. | Jezioro | lake | |
jez. | Jezyk | language | |
j.w. | jak wyzej | as above | |
kapl. | Kaplica | chapel | |
kat. | Katolicki | Catholic | |
kil. | Kilometr | kilometer | |
klm. | Kilometr | kilometer | |
kob. | Kobiety | women | |
kol. | Kolonia | colony | |
kosc. | kosciol | church building | |
kr-l. | Królestwo | kingdom | |
kw. | Kwadratowy | square | |
l. | ludnosc | population | |
lak, laka | -- | meadow | |
las | -- | woods,forest | |
lac. | lacina | Latin | |
lesnictwo | -- | forestry district | |
lew. | Lewej | left | |
lit. | litewski | Lithuanian | |
lot. | lotewski | Latvian | |
lub. | -- | or | |
ludn. | Ludnosc | population | |
M. | Mal- | Little (part of a place-name) | |
m. | miasto | city | |
m. | metr | meter | |
m. | morg | see mr. | |
mad. | Madziarski | Hungarian | |
men. | Menonici | Mennonites | |
mez. | Mezczyzni | male | |
m.i. | miedzy innymi | among others | |
mil. | Milion | million | |
mk. | Mieszkancy | inhabitants | |
mko. | Miasteczko | town | |
mlyn | -- | mill | |
mr. | Mórg | morg (1.2 acres, 5600 sq. meters) | |
mt. | Metr | meter | |
mtczko | miasteczko | town | |
mto. | Miasto | city | |
mur. | Murowany | of brick | |
mylnie | -- | mistakenly, erroneously | |
n. | nad | on the above | |
N. | Now- | New (part of place-name) | |
nal. | Nalezy do | belongs to | |
nied. | Niedaleko | not far from | |
niem. | Niemiecki | German | |
n.p.m. | nad powierzchnia morza | above sea level | |
ob. | Zobacz | see, refer to | |
obr. | Obreb | vicinity | |
obrz. | Obrzad, obrzedu | religious rite | |
obszaru | -- | area | |
obw. | Obwodnica | district | |
od. | -- | from | |
odl. | Odlegly | distant | |
ogrody | -- | garden | |
okolica | -- | area vicinity | |
okr. | Okrag, okregu | precinct | |
orne | -- | under cultivation | |
os. | Osada | settlement | |
os. lesn. | osada lesnictwa | forestry settlement | |
par. | Parafia | parish | |
pastw. | Pastwisko | pasture | |
pld. | poludnie | south | |
pobl. | Pobliski | nearby | |
pol | -- | half | |
pol. | Polski | Polish | |
pol. | Polwysep | peninsula | |
poln. | polnoc | north | |
poludn. | Poludnie | south | |
por. | Porownaj | compare, same as | |
pos. | posiada | it has | |
pot. | Potok | stream | |
pow. | Powiat | district | |
prawosl. | Prawoslawny | Orthodox | |
prot. | Protestancki, Protestan | Protestant | |
pryw. | Prywatny | private | |
przyl. | Przyleglosc | dependent | |
przyst. | Przystan | harbor | |
przyw. | Przywilej | chartered | |
pust. | Pustelnie | wilderness | |
p.w. | pod wezwaniem | called by the name of | |
r. | rok | year | |
ref. | Reformowani | Reformed (Protestant) | |
rob. | Robotnicy | workers | |
rodz. | Rodzina | family | |
roln. | Rolnicy | farmers | |
ross | rosyjski | Russian | |
rozl. | Rozleglosc | open area | |
ryc. | Rycerski | knightly | |
rz. | Rzeka | river | |
rzk | Rzeka | river | |
rz. kat. | Rzymsko-katolicki | Roman Catholic | |
rzad. | rsadowy | governmental | |
s.,sw. | swiety | Saint, holy | |
s. gm. | sad gminny | local court | |
siolo | -- | village | |
sloboda | -- | Ukrainian settlement of freemen | |
s.s. | starego stylu | old style | |
st. | stopa | feet | |
st. | stacya, stacja | station | |
st. | stopien, stopni | degree(s) | |
St. | Star- | Old (p/o place-name) | |
staroz. | Starozytny | ancient | |
st.dr.z. | stacja drogi zelaznej | railway station | |
stol. | Stolica | capital | |
st.p. | stacja pocztowa | post office | |
sta. | Strona | page | |
strumien | -- | stream | |
st.tel. | stacja telegraficzna | telegraph office | |
stul. | Stulecie | century | |
stwo. | Starostwo | superfecture | |
szk. | Szkola | school | |
szl. | Szlachecki | noble | |
szl. | Szlaski | Silesian | |
szp. | Szpital | hospital | |
szynk | -- | tavern | |
t. | tom | volume | |
tm. | Tamze | in the same place | |
t.n. | tegoz nazwiska | of this same name | |
tys. | Tysiąc | thousand | |
u.gm. | urzad gminny | local government office | |
um. | Umarł | died | |
uniw. | Uniwersytet | university | |
ur. | Urodzil | was born | |
urz. | Urzad | office | |
v. | vel. (Latin) | or | |
vol. | Volumen | volume | |
w | -- | in | |
w. | wiek | age | |
w. | wiorsta | verst (1066.78m.) | |
W. | Wielk- | Great (p/o place-name) | |
w dok. | w dokumentach | in documents know as | |
wedlug | -- | according to | |
weg. | Wegierski | Hungerian | |
wiad. | Wiadomy | known, known as | |
wies | -- | village | |
W.Ks.P. | Wielkie Ksiestwo Poznanskie | Principality of Posen | |
wl. | wloka | vloka (30 morgs/36 acres) | |
wlas. | wlasnosc | landed estate | |
wlas. | wlasciwie | properly | |
wlosc. | wloscianie | peasant | |
woh. | Wojew-dztwo | voivodship, providence | |
wach. | Wschód | east | |
ws. | wies | village | |
wyb. | Wybudowany | built (as in a group of buildings) | |
wynioslosc | -- | rise | |
wys. | Wysoki | altitude, high | |
wyspl | Wyspa | island | |
wzgorze | -- | hill | |
wzn. | Wzniesiony | elevation | |
zach. | Zachód | west | |
zal. | zalozony | founded | |
zazc. | zascianek | settlement of poor yeoman | |
zbud. | Zbudowany | built | |
zel. | zelazny | iron | |
zlp. | zloty polski | Polish zloty (currency) | |
zm. | Zmarł | deceased | |
zw. | zwany | called | |
zyd. | zyd(zi), zydowski | Jew(s), Jewish |
The following microfilm information is from the LDS booklet on Polish genealogy research.
[table “36” not found /]
(Sniatyn – Wola not yet included in microfilm 920972)