First Names of the Polish Commonwealth: Origins & Meanings

Authors: William F. Hoffman and George W. Helon

Like surnames, first names have their variants, translations, equivalents, linguistic and phonetic renderings that can puzzle genealogists. Learning their meanings and variations can serve as an important family history tool.

This companion book to Polish Surnames includes three chapters of historical and linguistic background followed by a 300-page list of names used in the old Polish Commonwealth of these origins: Czech, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Latin, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and Yiddish. Appendices include informational charts on the Polish, ancient Greek, ancient Hebrew, Russian Cyrillic, and Ukrainian Cyrillic alphabets, as they apply to name derivation and usage, as well as a list of Cyrillic forms of common Jewish first names.

Softcover; 1998; 426 pp; 6”x9”

Original price $20.00

Słownik Geograficzny – Glossary of Terminology

Compiled by William F. Hoffman © 2013 Ärar — State Treasury or Exchequer. From: Ärar, from Latin aerarium, is an archaic designation, no longer used, for the material and non-material holdings of a state or corporation. Included are buildings, land, gold reserves, and state monopolies. A term used more often today is Fiskus … Kirchenärar: […]