Zabieniec A free settlement by Przyleka, village in the district of Kolbuszowa numbering 11 houses and 63 inhabitants, situated amidst coniferous pines, south-east of Przyleka, at the headspring of the brook which, under the name Swierczowski stream, Olszaniec or Przyrwa, flows into the Leg River. Near the settlement is a forester’s cottage, elevation, […]
Wabrzezno In German, Briesen in WestPrussen. In documents Wambrez, Wambrzessno, Fredeke,Wambresin, Fredeck,Vridecke, or Frydek. The city, once the residence of bishops of Chelmo, now a county seat, in the periphery of the regency of Kwidzyn. It is situated by the eastern railroad (in the Torun-Wystruc area), between two lakes: Zamkowe (Schloss-See) […]
Tajenko A village and manorial farmstead on the eastern shore of Lake Tajno, Szczuczyn county, Pruska gmina, Barglow parish. In 1827 there were 30 houses, 179 inhabitants. In 1866 the Tajenko manorial farmstead had an area of 1,150 morgs: 180 of farmland and gardens, 150 of meadows, 240 of forests, 300 of thickets, […]