Video List

ONLY PGSA MEMBERS have access to these videos

  • Archives – Navigating Szukaj w Arkiwach
  • Archives – Researching in the Archives of Former Galicia
  • Archives – Russian Partition Archives
  • Archives – Ukrainian Archives: Update on Accessing
  • Databases – Family Search – Recent & Upcoming Enhancements
  • Databases – Genealodzy: Getting More from the Site
  • History – End of Serfdom: Its Impact on Genealogical Records
  • History – Facts & Myths of Polish-Jewish Ancestry
  • History – Was Your 3rd Great-grandparent Dutch or German
  • History – Were My Polish-Catholic Ancestors Ever Protestant
  • How To – Decipher Cursive Script & Handwriting
  • Kashubia – Kashubians & the Winona Connection
  • Maps – How to Use Online Map Sources Workshop
  • Maps – Linking with Documents in Research
  • Maps – Tips for Family Research
  • Maps – Workshop – Part 1
  • Maps – Workshop – Part 2
  • Museum – Nazi Occupation of Rural Poland
  • Museum – Polin Museum, Warsaw – Visit & Resources
  • Museum – Warsaw Uprising Museum
  • Q&A – Coffee Hour with a Polish Genealogist – Aleksandra Kacprzak
  • Q&A – Members Sharing Knowledge
  • Research – Hidden Gems in Family Letters and Postcards
  • Research – Non-Vital Records…More Vital Than You Think
  • Research – Polish Census and Notary Records
  • Research – Polish Heraldry Basics
  • Research – Polish Land Records
  • Research – US Naturalization by WWI Military Service