Słownik Geograficzny Towns and Villages (S)

Sadlno     In 1398 Sedlino, a village and manorial farmstead in Nieszawa county, Boguszyce gmina, Sadlno parish, 42 versts [about 45 km.] from Nieszawa; it has a parish church of stone, and 327 inhabitants. In 1827 there were 24 houses there and 227 inhabitants. In 1878 the Sadlno manorial farmstead, called Lysak, had 1,358 […]

Słownik Geograficzny Towns and Villages (P)

Palikowka     A village in Rzeszow county, that lies over the old river-bed of the Wislok River, on the North from the railway road (of archduke Karol Ludwik) in Strazow, it lies a distance of 12 kilometers to North-East from Rzeszow; the Roman-Catholic parish is in Laka. This small settlement is located down on […]

Słownik Geograficzny Towns and Villages (O)

Obertyn     Obertyn (Obertin) is a town located along the Czerniawa River in the district of Horodenka. It is 24 km west of Horodenka. It is bordered on the east by Czortowiec, the south by Balahorowka and Jakubowka, from the west by Zukow and from the north Chocimierz, Zabokruki and Hawtylak. In 1810 the […]